Sir Val’s adventures – Complete Series
The story of Sir Val’s adventures in COMICS
What you’ll find in Sir Val’s adventures comics’ story
-> Educational information about nature and about surviving skills
-> Feelings/ Attitude/ Values of the hero character
-> Introducing the actual LNP toy’s materials of Sir Val’s Miniature World
-> Plot of the story and the mystery which unfolds
Educational information throughout the comic’s story:
- Respect for nature, the forest provides resources – wise use, leaving the forest clean
- The right spot for camping in the forest, safety
- Necessary materials and design of survivor’s hut and bedding, useful knots, rope ladder
- Backpack supplies, First aid kit and uses to treatment, taking care of health – calmness
- Camping utensils, Fire, Dry wood for good fire, Cooking, Safety, Hatch and food storage
- Orienteering from the surroundings, reading the map and the landmarks, compass, marking of the path
- Water is essential for surviving, bamboo tree trunk, water collecting from the ricer and sterilization
- Clay collecting by the river banks, creating a pot, baking the clay pot in the hot coal
- Natural bridge to cross over
- Natural edible foods, plants to avoid, Instinct as a survival guide
- Chamomile collecting and making a beverage for preventing a cold
- Pine cones predict rain, rain is essential for the earth, storm – thunder, rainbow, Names of clouds
- Sounds of nature and sounds of animals
- Animal tracks, different species, animal eating habits, food chain and energy passing, respect to animal life and small inhabitants, bees sting as defense, poisonous insects, firefly glow
- Sense of danger, wild animals and reaction, beehive danger, smoke drives bees away
- Environmental changes, plantation reduction, animal extinction – human causes
- The miracle of newborn life
- Scientific curiosity, reading books, the library as a source of information. Library rules of respect
- Researching in the forest, knowledge in action, resourcefulness, DIY skills, hard work, observation, keeping calm, making plan, commitment to goal, passion, persistence, satisfaction
- Letting imagination free, playing and having a good time, making the best out of a situation
- Nature’s beauties, enjoying the beauty